- account for an amount
- отчитаться в сумме
amount of — сумма
amount owed — сумма долга
net amount — чистая сумма
amount dlr — сумма долларов
to the amount of — на сумму
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
amount of — сумма
amount owed — сумма долга
net amount — чистая сумма
amount dlr — сумма долларов
to the amount of — на сумму
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
account for — give a satisfactory record or explanation of. → account account for succeed in killing or defeating. → account account for supply or make up (a specified amount). → account … English new terms dictionary
account for something — account for (something) 1. to explain the reason for something. More police on the streets accounted for less street crime. 2. to form the total of an amount of something. In Florida, people over 60 account for more than 25 percent of the… … New idioms dictionary
account for — (something) 1. to explain the reason for something. More police on the streets accounted for less street crime. 2. to form the total of an amount of something. In Florida, people over 60 account for more than 25 percent of the population … New idioms dictionary
account for — ► account for 1) supply or make up (a specified amount). 2) give a satisfactory record or explanation of. 3) succeed in killing or defeating. Main Entry: ↑account … English terms dictionary
account for — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms account for : present tense I/you/we/they account for he/she/it accounts for present participle accounting for past tense accounted for past participle accounted for 1) account for something to be the reason… … English dictionary
account for — verb 1. be the reason or explanation for (Freq. 24) The recession accounts for the slow retail business • Hypernyms: ↑be • Verb Frames: Something s something 2. give reasons for (Freq. 6) … Useful english dictionary
account stated — account stat·ed / stā təd/ n pl accounts stated: an account presented by a creditor to his or her debtor which by implied or express acceptance has been agreed upon by both parties as correct Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster.… … Law dictionary
Amount of substance — is a standards defined quantity that measures the size of an ensemble of elementary entities, such as atoms, molecules, electrons, and other particles. It is sometimes referred to as chemical amount. The International System of Units (SI) defines … Wikipedia
account — I (evaluation) noun appraisal, assessment, com pre rendu, enumeration, financial statement, ledger, list of receipts and payments, ratio, register, statement, statement of debits and credits, statement of pecuniary transactions, tally, valuation… … Law dictionary
account — a record of a business transaction. When you buy something on credit, the company you are dealing with sets up an account . This means it sets up a record of what you buy and what you pay. You will do the same thing with any customers to whom you … Financial and business terms
account — ac|count1 W1S2 [əˈkaunt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(description)¦ 2¦(at a bank)¦ 3 take account of something 4 on account of something 5 accounts 6 on account 7¦(with a shop/company)¦ 8¦(bill)¦ 9¦(arrangement to sell goods)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English